Plot Inspections

 Plot Inspections

There will be two inspections in 2023:

 June and August (dates to be advised by email)

Cultivation of plots
All plot holders should make every possible effort to keep their plot(s) in a neat, tidy and well cultivated condition and appearance. Any materials that can be usefully utilised on the plot should be stored neatly and not be allowed to build up to excessive amounts. If no longer required these materials should be removed from the Allotment sites. The phrase “use or remove it” should be considered as good practice.

Plot Inspections
The committee strives to make both sites somewhere that all plot holders can be proud of. To this end regular inspections are made and those plot holders failing to cultivate and maintain their plots to a satisfactory standard will be contacted.
It is of course in all of our interests to work towards achieving a high standard on the sites as a whole. This not only makes a pleasurable environment to grow and work in but also ensures the Council do not have reason to reclaim any land for building purposes.

Outline of Inspection Procedure
Two Committee members carry out regular plot inspections, generally during the months of May to November. If a particular plot is considered to be in need of attention the following course of action will apply:

1.    An initial communication will be sent outlining the Committee’s expectations of a well cultivated plot and neatly maintained plot. This will also serve to ascertain if there are any extenuating circumstances which may be taken into consideration
2.    Any plot holder receiving such a communication will have a follow up inspection after one month. If on re-inspection there is little sign of improvement a First Official Warning will be sent
3.    A follow up inspection will be made after one month. Again if there is little sign of improvement a Second Official Warning will be sent
4.    A follow up inspection will be made after one month. Again if there is little sign of improvement a Third Official Warning will be sent
5.    A final inspection will be made after one month and if sufficient improvement is not observed then the plot may be taken back and let to the next person on the waiting list

The above process allows for a minimum of 4 months to transpire from initial communication to possible final inspection. In some cases, dependent upon individual circumstance, it could be longer, in order for any problems to be brought to a satisfactory resolution.
The Committee would like to give the assurance that each plot holder is dealt with on an individual basis and any extenuating personal circumstances taken into account within the above process.

TAL Committee
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