EGM Jan 2021

EGM Jan 2021

EGM: result of voting


Thank you to all of those who took the time to vote on our Extraordinary General Meeting proposal.

34 votes were cast in favour and one against, so the proposal is carried.

The Company Annual General Meeting will be held in February via email. There is some action for you to consider before then, which we hope to explain in the next day or two.

Kind regards,

TAA/TAL Committee


Tugmutton Allotment Association: EGM vote


We now ask members to vote on the Committee’s EGM proposal, namely that all decisions made at the Annual General Meeting of Tugmutton Allotments Limited in February 2021 shall apply equally to the Tugmutton Allotment Association including, but not limited to, matters of finance, rules, constitution and Committee membership.

Please read the comments below, and the Committee’s response, before replying with your vote, which should be Yes (to support the proposal) or No (to oppose). The deadline for votes is close of play tomorrow, 9 January.

We received the following response to the proposal

"My concern is that the membership are not being involved in the changes to the Constitution. 

The current Constitution, as published on the website, clearly states that “The AGM will be held annually in April after due date for Tenancy fee.” (To ensure that only fully paid-up members vote at the AGM.)  As the new lease has not been signed, and as stated in the draft Minutes of the Chairman’s Report of the 2020 AGM : “I expect that there will be a delay in receiving the finalised new leases due to the ongoing situation. When we have them back and we are satisfied with the terms then we will close the Association and begin trading as Tugmutton Allotments Ltd.” So today we are still operating as Tugmutton Allotments Association. Our current TAA Constitution was debated and chewed over for a number of years, not only by the Committee but also by various members, before being implemented in 2015. It is structured to give the Committee maximum flexibility for the day to day running of the Association, but also to specify parameters. 

Without doubt most members could not give a toss about the running of the Association, be that as TAA or TA Ltd. But we owe them the courtesy of at least giving them the chance to be involved. Which is why I am adamant that the existing, and membership approved, rules of the existing Constitution are adhered to. Therefore the AGM must be in April.”

The Committee’s response is:

"The Committee took action to create the not-for-profit Tugmutton Allotments Limited because Bromley Council ruled that they would not sign any new leases with allotment Associations. We are indebted to two Committee members in particular for the significant amount of work they put into this on behalf of all members. The new lease has not yet been signed because we continue to engage with the Council via BALGL to try to ensure that some key concerns are resolved. We took steps to keep the membership informed about the company creation, and shared Company Rules and Terms and Conditions. (Emails of 29 October 2019, 13 November 2019 and 12 February 2020 refer. These communications and documents are still available on the website.) The effect of these documents, and much of the wording, is very similar to the Association’s Constitution and Terms and Conditions. Some changes had to be made at the Council’s express direction.

The Company Committee (in practice, the same as the Association Committee) decided that the Company AGM should be held in February particularly because of the Council-directed requirement to give 12 months' notice of rent increases: we judged that the clash with AGM timing would, in effect, require us to give 23 months' notice. We did not consult the membership about this decision, but we did inform them.

Our expectation was that the new lease would have been signed by now, and the Association would have been closed. As things stand, there will still be an Association AGM in April in addition to the Company AGM in February. Our request is simply that the decisions made at the Company AGM should apply equally to the Association. Those decisions will be reached via the same methods as the Association AGM-by-email held in April 2020.”

TAA/TAL Committee


Tugmutton Allotments Association: Extraordinary General Meeting

Dear members,

As advised on 22 December, today marks the start of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Tugmutton Allotments Association, to be held via email.

The Committee seeks the agreement of the membership that all decisions made at the Annual General Meeting of Tugmutton Allotments Limited in February 2021 shall apply equally to the Association including, but not limited to, matters of finance, rules, constitution and Committee membership.

The Committee invites members to submit any comments they may have on this proposal. These comments should reach the Committee by 7pm on 7 January 2021. A summary of comments will be circulated to the membership on 8 January, at which point we will ask members to vote on the proposal. Please do not vote before 8 January.

To clarify, contrary to the statement in the 22 December email, we do have the option to vary the the date of the Company AGM should we so wish, and could hold a joint Company/Association AGM in April. The Committee does not wish to do this, for two particular reasons:

- A motion about raised beds will propose a rent increase for them from April 2022. Our new terms and conditions, mainly adopted at the direction of Bromley Council, require a full 12 months’ notice of any rent increases. To delay the motion would effectively delay implementation for a further year or at least require some fiddly calculations.

- There has been one resignation from the Committee during the year, and one or more further resignations are expected before April. We would much prefer to hold the company AGM while we have an almost-full complement.

TAA/TAL Committee


Tugmutton Allotments Association: Extraordinary General Meeting


The Committee gives notice that it is calling an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Tugmutton Allotments Association, to be held via email over the period 6 to 9 January 2021. Members not on email are being contacted separately.


One of our members has helpfully highlighted an issue related to the planned Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Tugmutton Allotments Ltd in February. As you know, we set up a not-for-profit company, Tugmutton Allotments Ltd, in order to satisfy Bromley Council’s conditions for the issue of a new lease. The plan was that we would, by now, have signed the lease and then held an EGM for the Association to close it, having transferred all its responsibilities to the Company. However, the lease has yet to be signed.

We have had no difficulty in running the Association and Company in parallel. However, as things stand we are required to hold the Company AGM in February and the Association AGM in April. It is possible that some of the decisions at one AGM could conflict with the rules of the other organisation. For example, the new Committee appointed in February will technically be the Company Committee and not the Association Committee.


The Committee seeks the agreement of the membership that all decisions made at the Company’s AGM in February 2021 shall apply equally to the Association including, but not limited to, matters of finance, rules, constitution and Committee membership.


We will send a reminder email on 6 January and ask for any comments members may have, to be submitted by 7 January. If there are substantial comments we will share a summary with members on 8 January and ask them to vote on the proposal by 9 January. We reserve the right to extend the timeframe if circumstances so dictate.

TAA Committee


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