AGM 2023

AGM Feb 2023

This year's AGM was held on Monday, 27th February at 7pm in The Woodman pub, Farnborough.

To confirm, the Annual General Meeting of Tugmutton Allotments Limited will be held at the rear of The Woodman in Farnborough Village at 7pm on Monday 27 February. We hope to see as many of you there as possible. 

The only way for you to raise any issues at the AGM is by submitting a motion in advance. Please send any motions to the Committee email address by the deadline of 9 February. There is no particular rule on how you should write a motion, but if you need any guidance the Committee would be happy to help. You will need another member to second your motion by emailing the Committee. 

We really do need to fill vacancies on the Committee. Although we would like to increase the proportion of women on the Committee, please don’t be put off if you are a grizzled old member of the wrong gender. We need a Committee Secretary and some “normal” members, and we’re not currently sure if we have a candidate for the Treasurer role. If you are willing to serve in any of these capacities, please do let us know. All candidates will need other members to nominate them and to second the nomination, again by emailing the Committee by 9 February at the latest. 

If you wish to submit a motion or to volunteer to join the Committee, but don’t have anyone to nominate or second you (or don’t have their contact details), please let the Committee know, and we will see if we can help. 

We will issue the agenda and other papers on or before 13 February.


Kind regards, TAL Committee

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