Best Plots 2020

Best Plots 2020

Despite Coronavirus many of our members have continued to work their plots during 2020, whilst social distancing of course!

After much deliberation the committee have decided that the winners this year are:

Overall Best Plot: Harry Braybrooke Memorial Trophy

Judy Eade (Plot 2, Willow Walk)

I took on the plot 17 years ago when I retired , having seen an advert for the allotments in "The News Shopper".  Having worked full-time in a fairly physical job, I needed a physical hobby to keep me active, and this filled the bill as I love gardening. I started off cultivating in one corner and gradually spread out  until I got  the whole plot dug and planted. I left grass paths to separate the beds, but each time I visited I spent most of the time keeping the paths cut and edged and not enough time on the crops!  So after a couple of years I dug up the paths and replaced them with "Astro-turf". I was told off by a committee member for doing that, but later that year I won the cup for the best "Cottage Garden" in the Bromley BALGF competition, where they specially mentioned that they liked my wibbly-wobbly paths!! (so they stayed!!). My husband, Peter, helped out from time to time after he retired, although gardening wasn't his "thing", but he liked pruning, so that kept him busy! I've always liked growing flowers, especially ones I can cut for the house. I started off with dephiniums, progressed to dahlias, tried with chrysanthemums, but always seem to come back to the dahlias, which make a good blousy show, especially in the autumn when most of the vegetable crops are looking a bit tatty! I enjoy the "camaraderie" of the allotments, chatting with and learning from like minded people, and the work parties and the show and social gatherings! And I very much enjoy eating lovely fresh fruit, veg and salads. Thank goodness for that advert in "the News Shopper"!!

Best wishes, Judy

Joint Best Newcomers are:

Dawn & Karen (Plot 31, Willow Walk)

Helena (Plot 63, Lovibonds)

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