Annual Show / Best Plots 2021

Annual Show 2021

With no show last year due to Coronavirus this year's show took place on Sunday, 12th September on the Willow Walk site. 

Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Show and especially those who entered produce to the variety of classes of fruit, veg and flowers many of whom were awarded rosettes. Special thanks go to Anya and Judy for organising and to the committee who helped set up and run the event. Thanks also to those who donated raffle prizes which generated a profit of £47.

At the end of the day it was Chairman Paul's honour to present trophies to this year's winners of Best Plot & Best Newcomer(s).

Best Plot: Harry Braybrooke Memorial Trophy

Kadriye Kandemir (Plot 4a, Willow Walk)

Best Newcomers: Wydale Trophy

Anna & Ji Sears (Plot 9, Willow Walk)

With Covid restrictions starting to ease we are planning to re-launch our annual show on

Sunday, 12th September at 2pm

Further details to be provided nearer the time.....

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