August 2019


Work party

The next work party is this Sunday 11 August, from 1000 to 1200. If you didn’t make it in June or July, you really should do this one.


Hey Willow Walkers! We have a big pile of manure on the Lovibonds site (the lorry can’t deliver to WW). Any plotholder who wants a share is welcome to it, but it’s more difficult for you with a locked gate in the way. If you would like some, email us with some dates/times that would suit you, and we’ll then publicise a time or two when we’ll ensure the gate is open for you to come and collect. Apologies in advance if our chosen times don’t suit you.

Willow Walk barrier gate

Hey Willow Walkers! We have had reports that the barrier gate has been left open on numerous occasions. Please, please, please remember ALWAYS to lock the barrier gate. If you are having any problems with this, let the Committee know.

Vote, vote, vote!

The TAA annual show (Saturday 31 August at 2pm, Willow Walk) will be a celebration of all that is good in our Association. Please come, and please bring your family and friends.

As previously announced, we would like you all to vote for the three best plots on your site. Have a wander round, and make your selections for first, second and third. Then email your votes to

All you need to do is put “Vote” in the subject line, and then add text along the lines:

1.    Plot 97
2.    Plot 98
3.    Plot 99

Please ensure your email arrives by 24 August. The results will be announced at the annual show, and the overall winner will be the inaugural recipient of the Harry Braybrooke Memorial Cup. Harry was a talented horticulturist who loved working his plot with his dad, and who was taken from us last year, far too soon.

If you don’t vote in any significant numbers, we reserve the right to ask the Organising Committee for the show to judge plots themselves so that we can agree the winners.

Eat, eat, eat!

Did we mentioned the TAA annual show is being held on Saturday 31 August at 2pm on the Willow Walk site? Well, it gets better. It will include a Committee-organised barbeque. To cover costs, the price is £2.50 a head, payable on the day. That gets you approximately a burger, a sausage, buns and sauces. Vegetarian options (probably halloumi and mushrooms) can be offered.

If this sounds good, in order to help ordering, please let us know how many of your family intend to come, and whether they require the vegetarian option, via email  to by 24 August. Please include “BBQ” in the subject line.

Please bring plates, drinks, any other food you may require (e.g. salad, gifts of cake for Committee members), maybe some fold-up chairs, and some amusing anecdotes. Any help you can offer with the cooking and the clearing up afterwards will be much appreciated.

Thefts from plots (update)

Our announcement last month about thefts from plots prompted a few questions. We’re not saying we have a crime wave: we’re talking about the occasional taking of plants and produce, the odd tool, and a large pot (the earth having been tipped out). Some may regard this as trivial, but the impact on plotholders who lose items goes way beyond their monetary value. Please do report any suspicious activity. We’d like to re-phrase part of last month’s advice:

Keep off other people’s plots. And unless you have specific permission from the plotholder, DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING WHATSOEVER from any other plot, even if the item appears to be of no value or the plot abandoned. Failure to observe this rule may result in action by the Committee which could lead you to being expelled from the Association.

Water, water everywhere

The major task of installing additional water tanks is now complete. A huge thank you to everyone who helped with this, but particularly to Andy Bird, Hans Migo and Pete Gaden. If anyone should have any questions or issues about water, or identifies a leak, please email the Committee.

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