AGM 2022

AGM Feb 2022

(Draft) Minutes of the Tugmutton Allotments Ltd Annual General Meeting 2022

Date     13/03/2022

Venue  The Woodman, Farnborough

[Note: The meeting had been postponed due to adverse weather]


Chair: - Paul Braybrooke

The number of members present made the meeting quorate.

The written reports by the Officers, the motions proposed, and a list of proposed committee members had all been circulated by email or hard copy where appropriate.

1.     Minutes of 2021 meeting.

There were no corrections, so minutes were agreed.


2.     Chairmans Report

Paul Braybrooke presented his report.

2.1  Attention was drawn to the lack of a person to take the role of Secretary. It was pointed out that the responsibilities of a committee member were not onerous and centred mainly about the monthly meeting. Members were asked to seriously consider becoming members of the 2023 committee.

2.2  After much hard work, there is finally a new lease in place between Bromley and Tugmutton Allotments Ltd. Much has been achieved with respect to responsibility for boundary areas.

2.3  Finally, to note the list of Work Party dates starting with Saturday 19th March.

2.4  Chairmans report was accepted.


3.     Treasurer’s Report.

Kim Bowdery presented his report.

3.1  Income for the year had been high because all plots had been rented out and expenditure had been very low. There was also an incentive of £1,250 for the move from Nat west to Metro bank.

3.2  It is anticipated that next year that the committee will have to manage higher expenditure on equipment. The income from rents will remain the same but the work party penalties, suspended during lockdown, will return this year and possibly provide additional income.

3.3  The move to company status means that the next rent increase needs 1 years notice so will not take effect until 2024.

3.4  There is a question mark about whether, as a non profit organisation, we are liable for corporation tax. This question is with Bromley Allotments and leisure Gardens federation (BALGF). Advice is awaited.

3.5  Treasurer’s report was accepted.


4.     Membership Secretary Report

Robin Rickwood presented his report

4.1  There are 108 Full Members and 54 Associate Members. There has been a healthy turnover of members during the year.

4.2  There are currently 2 vacant plots requiring TLC and 2 more becoming available in April. This is to be compared with a waiting list of 30.

4.3  There had been fewer plot inspections due to cCovid but the committee will be inspecting regularly in 2022/23.

4.4  Robin Rickwood answered some specific questions concerning the renewal of specific plots.

4.5  Membership Secretary’s report was accepted.


5.     AGM Motions 2022

Only 3 motions had been received by the committee.

5.1  That we replace the current flat rate charge of water charges for each plot with a rate directly linked to the size of the plot. The proposed initial charge is 33pper 10m square metres (and pro rata). This change to apply from April 2023.

5.1.1       Whilst it was universally agreed that there was no need for metered water, there was a lively debate covering “remaining at the status quo” and the “disproportionate consumption of water by raised beds.”

5.1.2       When the motion was put to a vote, it was carried by 12 votes to 9.

 5.2  That we reverse last year’s decision to round up rent charges to the next whole pound.

(to apply from April 2023 if approved).

5.2.1       After a brief clarification the motion was defeated by 15 votes to 3

 5.3  That we amend company rules to give precedence on the waiting list to residents of the borough of Bromley. [it was emphasised that it would not affect current membership]

5.3.1       After a brief discussion the motion was carried by 17 votes to 2.


6.     Election of Committee.

6.1  As there were less nominations for the Committee than there are spaces, and each Nominee was voted unopposed the Committee stands as nominated.

6.2   Officers are: Paul Braybrooke  Chair

                        Kim Bowdery          Treasurer

                         Robin Rickwood   Membership Secretary

                         Vacancy                     Secretary


7.     Election of Accounts Checker

7.1  Viv Holmes was unanimously voted in as Accounts checker


The Annual General Meeting does not take Any Other Business. All motions to be raised beforehand.


The meeting closed with the Raffle organised by Anya Wilson.

Annual General Meeting - new date

Tugmutton Allotment Association


Dear members,

We have arranged a new date for our AGM. It will be held at 6pm on Sunday 13 March in the marquee at the rear of The Woodman, Farnborough Village. We hope to see as many of you there as possible. The agenda and supporting papers previously circulated still stand for this meeting.

For your information, if the fates should be against us again we would probably squeeze in the AGM directly after the 19 March work party, in the open air. And if that were impossible we would resort to an AGM via email over the following seven days.

If you think you will be able to join us on 13 March it would be helpful if you could let us know. Apologies are not required from those unable to attend.

Kind regards,

TAL Committee 

AGM reminder


Dear members,

So far, we have had a fairly limited response to our email of 20 January announcing details of the 2022 AGM (6pm on Sunday 20 February in the marquee at the back of The Woodman in Farnborough). Obviously, it’s possible that you are planning to flood us with Motions and Committee nominations at the last minute, but just to remind you… 
Most of the current Committee are willing to serve another year, which is good news. However, we are really keen for someone to step forward to become our Committee Secretary. We have had to split the role between us for the past year, and this is far from satisfactory. We also need a new regular Committee member. Each nomination needs to be proposed and seconded by other members. The deadline is Wednesday 2 February. 
If you have any issues to raise at the AGM, you need to submit a Motion (seconded by another member). If you need any guidance on how to do this, we would be happy to help. Again, the deadline is Wednesday 2 February.

Kind regards,

TAL Committee

Notice of AGM:

Sunday 20 February, 6pm


Dear members,

The 2022 Annual General Meeting of Tugmutton Allotments Limited will be held at 6pm on Sunday 20 February at The Woodman in Farnborough Village. Please note the change of date and venue. We have the exclusive use of the marquee at the rear of the Woodman: this offers both good ventilation and greater space, enabling more social distancing. All members are invited, and we hope to see as many as possible of you there. 

The AGM will include the election of officers and members of the Committee. Please submit any nominations for the Committee to by 2 February 2022, specifying whether the nomination is for regular Committee membership or one of the officer positions (Chair, Committee Secretary, Membership Secretary, and Treasurer). Some of last year’s Committee are happy to serve again, but we are particularly keen to have a Committee Secretary for 2022, as well as one or two new regular Committee members. We would also like to increase the proportion of women on the Committee. Each nomination requires a proposer and a seconder. If you’re thinking of standing but have some doubts, please get in touch, and we can answer any questions you may have and explain what a stimulating experience it can be. Time is tight, so please act quickly. 

Viv Holmes is willing to serve again as accounts checker, but it is open to other members to volunteer for the role. Again, a nomination would need to be proposed and seconded. 

The only way for you to raise issues at the AGM is via formal motions: there is no Any Other Business at the AGM. If you have any motions to raise, you must submit them in writing by 2 February. Your motions must be seconded by another member. If you have issues to raise, but are not confident about how to raise them, please consult the Committee, and we will be happy to advise. 

The agenda for the AGM, with various other papers, will be issued on or before 5 February. In advance of that we attach for your review the minutes of the 2021 AGM. 

We would be grateful if some members could bring a small prize to the AGM for our raffle, The raffle helps to subsidise the cost of the light buffet provided and hopefully helps to make the evening even more entertaining. 

Finally, we would like to appeal to members to consider putting themselves forward as Directors of the Company. We have two Directors currently, one of whom plans to resign. Our Articles of Association do not allow us to operate with fewer than two Directors, so we urgently need new blood. We believe we should aim for a minimum of four Directors at all times. Although being a Director is a responsible role, the workload is minimal, because the day-to-day running of the Company is entirely delegated to the Committee. If you are willing to become a Director, or would like to discuss the role, please contact us as soon as possible. 

Kind regards,
TAL Committee

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