Dear Member,
The EGM to elect a new Treasurer has concluded and voting is now closed.
We received 42 YES votes in favour of electing Kim Bowdery so he is duly appointed as Treasurer of Tugmutton Allotments Limited with immediate effect.
Thank you to all members who took the time to register a vote.
TAL Committee
Dear Member,
Voting is now open. You have until midnight on Monday, 12th April to cast your vote.
Please reply "YES" or "NO".
TAL Committee
Dear Member,
Just a reminder that the virtual EGM to elect our new Treasurer will commence on Sunday, 11th April and conclude on Monday, 12th April. We encourage all members to vote in order to ensure we receive a sufficient number of votes to make the EGM quorate.
Please do not vote today, only vote on Sunday or Monday. An email will be sent tomorrow morning to indicate the start of voting.
All we require is a simple YES or NO to our proposal to elect Kim Bowdery as Treasurer.
TAL Committee
Dear Member,
The Committee gives notice that it is calling a virtual Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Tugmutton Allotments Limited (TAL), to be held via email over the period 11th to 12th April 2021. Members not on email are being contacted separately.
An email was sent to members on 24th March with the following text:
"After more than 6 years as a Tugmutton Allotments Committee Member/Treasurer Andy Bird has decided to stand down and will be resigning from the Committee from 1st April 2021. Existing Committee members were invited to consider taking on the role of Treasurer but none were willing/able to do so. The Committee is therefore seeking to appoint a new Treasurer from within the existing membership to fill this important role.
Clause 3.2 of our Company Rules state that "Officers shall be elected by the Members at the AGM". However, given we have only recently held our AGM for 2021, the Committee will hold a virtual EGM to allow members to vote on the nomination(s) for Treasurer.
Fortunately, an outgoing member of last year's Committee has already put their name forward for consideration. Any other nominations should be submitted to the committee
by close of play Friday, 26th March."
One nomination was received by the Committee:
Nominee: Kim Bowdery
Proposer: Diane Bowdery
Seconder: Sue Rickwood
The Committee seeks the agreement of the membership that Kim Bowdery is elected as the new Treasurer of Tugmutton Allotments Limited (TAL) with immediate effect.
In accordance with our Company Rules (6.3) we are giving members 14 days notice of the EGM. We will send a reminder email on 10th April and ask you to vote on the nomination between the 11th and 12th April. We reserve the right to extend the timeframe if circumstances so dictate.
TAL Committee