AGM 2020

AGM Apr 2020
All AGM business has now been completed virtually
(see emails below)

Virtual AGM: result of finance motion

Tue, 7 Apr at 06:29


Thank you all for your votes on the motion to increase rents by 15% from 2021 and to round them up to the next pound.

The motion received 43 votes in favour and 3 against, and is therefore carried.

The Committee is very grateful to all those who have helped us complete this virtual AGM with your votes, comments and questions. The draft minutes will be issued in coming days, but of course all of you have seen everything that is in them already.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee

Reminder: The proposal to appoint/re-appoint all those nominated for Committee positions, as well as Viv Holmes as auditor, was supported by 30 Members, with no opposition. Your new Committee, with effect from 7 April, is therefore Paul Braybrooke (Chairman), Andy Bird (Treasurer), Sue Rickwood (Membership Secretary), Kim Bowdery (Secretary), Pat Lathey, Chris Pile, Hannah Roberts and Brendan Sheehan. The new Committee will seek to arrange its first “meeting” as soon as is practicable.

Motion on finances. Please vote by 6 April (email 3 of 3)

Fri, 3 Apr at 18:42


The motion proposes that rents are increased by 15% from April 2021, and rounded up to the next pound.

A few comments and questions were raised in response. These are listed below, with the Committee’s responses:

- The increase is high, given that the current inflation rate is 1.7%

Rents have not been increased since at least 2008. Inflation since then has been around 35%, and we now have some fixed additional costs associated with running a company. Income from rent does not cover typical annual expenditure. If the motion is approved it will still only increase income by about £300.

- Why do we need such a high balance? What is the worst case scenario?

Excluding key deposits and work party bonds, the Association’s reserves are around £4,500. The Committee regards this as low, given our potential liabilities: on top of predicted expenditure (mowers, strimmers etc), any unpredicted-but-possible costs (new gates, replacement of fencing etc) would be difficult to cover.

- Is some of the increase to cover a lack of work party non-attendance money this year? No

Alternative suggestions to the Committee proposal were a 10% increase, or a 5% increase for the next three years. The Committee takes no pleasure in increasing rents, and it does all it can to keep expenditure to a minimum, but it continues to believe that the proposed increase is necessary and justified.

Please reply to this email with your votes:

Do you support the proposal to increase rents by 15% from 2021 and to round rents up to the next pound?

We just need simple Yes or No responses, by 6 April.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee
Motion on clutter (email 2 of 3)

Fri, 3 Apr at 18:40


The Motion on clutter received a modest number of responses, split between those supporting (without substantive comment) and those challenging some or all of it (with comments). Here is a flavour of some of the comments:

- Not all plot holders have sheds, or sheds large enough, in which they can keep all the inorganic material that they have and that they may need to use at various times during the year.
- The definition of what is “rubbish” is subjective. For example one person’s scrap wood is, to another person, part of the compost bin they are planning to build. Any action the Committee may take on such items could therefore cause disagreement.
- Man-made material is highly valuable. For example, plastic may be useful to line raised beds with plastic. Weed membrane is used by many Members particularly, but by no means only, during the winter. Tyres are effective in holding down weed membrane.
- Often the problem is caused by departing plot holders. The new tenant is left with the burden of removing their predecessor’s debris (sometimes involving considerable effort and/or cost).

The Committee and the proposer, after considering all the responses, have decided NOT to take the motion to a vote. We judged that there were differences not so much of opinion (although there were some) but of understanding: this is one of the weaknesses of a virtual AGM. The proposer did not have the opportunity fully to explain the intention of the motion and to answer questions. That intention was not to oppose the use of man-made material, but to encourage people to deal with what appeared to be a lot of waste material, broken structures etc. This is what the Committee supported.

To be clear, the Committee agrees that man-made material is highly useful to the average plot holder. We also agree that departing plot holders can be a main cause of difficulties (and we are now being much more pro-active in pursuing ex-plot holders who leave material behind), but these people typically have allowed scrap material to build up, structures to fall into ruin, etc, and then face a difficult challenge when they leave: it would be much better if everyone keeps their plots tidy and free of anything that is not needed in the current growing season.

So, we urge all Members to take a fresh look at their plot and decide what they really need and what they could take to the tip when circumstances allow. Let’s all do our bit to ensure that our sites remain pleasant and attractive places for everyone to enjoy.

We have an existing plot inspection regime that covers much of this territory. Inspections are suspended at the moment, and we will need to re-introduce them carefully, as some plot holders are currently just not able to tend to their plots. But details of how plot inspections work are available on our website.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee
AGM next steps (email 1 of 3)

Fri, 3 Apr at 18:38


1. Many thanks to all those who responded to our Virtual AGM emails. This is the first in a series of three further emails. The third of them asks you for one extra contribution: we would be very grateful if you could all vote on the motion about rent increases. The deadline for your votes is Monday 6 April.

2. There were no comments on the 2019 AGM minutes, which are taken to be agreed.

3. Reports from the Committee Chairman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary. There were just a few comments/questions:
Clarification was sought on how we would deal with work parties, and any work party credits, in view of the Coronavirus crisis. This will be discussed by the new Committee, and we will provide updates in due course.

In the meantime, if you are able to mow around your plot (and ideally a few neighbours’ plots) from time to time, please do so.

Trees. It was noted that some trees, particularly on Willow Walk, increasingly put some plots in the shade. We have discussed with the Council’s contractor during the year, but the Council’s view is that they will not cut trees unless they are dangerous, and our lease forbids us from cutting them.

Raised beds. A question was asked as to whether the Council might provide financial or material support for new raised beds, and whether different material might be used that is longer-lasting than the current timber. The new Committee will be asked to look into this. We fear that the financial crisis resulting from the Coronavirus outbreak will be so severe that support from the Council or the voluntary sector will be very difficult to secure. We agree that other materials should be considered.

4. The proposal to appoint/re-appoint all those nominated for Committee positions, as well as Viv Holmes as auditor, was supported by 30 Members, with no opposition. Your new Committee, with effect from 7 April, is therefore Paul Braybrooke (Chairman), Andy Bird (Treasurer), Sue Rickwood (Membership Secretary), Kim Bowdery (Secretary), Pat Lathey, Chris Pile, Hannah Roberts and Brendan Sheehan. The new Committee will seek to arrange its first “meeting” as soon as is practicable.

5. Two emails follow on the AGM Motions.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee
Virtual AGM: Motions (email 4 of 4)

Thu, 26 Mar at 20:47


We attach a document containing two Motions. Please consider the Motions, and then reply with any questions and comments you may have by 31 March. We will send out a summary of these questions and comments before asking you to vote on the Motions.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee


Motion 1: Clutter

Proposed by Anya Wilson, seconded by Pauline Tribe and Nick Todd


I feel really lucky to have the allotment. It's a place for us to develop our hobbies, work alongside nature and a source of social interaction for the local community, but year on year the plot as a whole is beginning to resemble a dumping ground. 

It seems that plots have become an extension of people’s sheds with the amount of broken ‘stuff’.  There are tyres, tangled or ripped netting and terram, stacks of plastic pots & bottles, falling down fruit cages, broken glasshouses, pesticide bottles, bin bags and old compost bags filled with weeds and more plastic. It’s saddening and looks like a tipping ground.

Motion. That we take one or more of the following measures:

    - Bring in a skip and give an amnesty for all plot holders to empty their junk into.
    - Insist that all non organic material on the plot be kept locked away in a shed.
    - Remind and encourage plot holders that the allotment is a place to grow organic matter               rather than man made objects.

Committee view. The Committee welcomes this motion and supports the sentiments behind it. In recent years scrap wood, old weed membrane and various bits of rubbish have built up on a number of plots. Plots don't need to look like entries for the Chelsea Flower Show, but we should all try to contribute to a pleasant environment. We cannot agree to the provision of a skip, however, since this would be far too expensive. Instead, and bearing in mind the current restrictions on movement, for now we would like simply to encourage all plot holders to do their best to keep their plots tidy, to take waste material to the tip when possible, and until then to keep the material in a shed or small area of their plot. When appropriate, we will re-start our programme of plot inspections. We may need to return to this subject in future.

Motion 2: Improving finances

Proposed by Andy Bird (Treasurer), seconded by the Committee


See explanation in Treasurer’s report (email 2).

Motion. That we take the following measures in order to make the Association/Company more financially stable and to make the management of our accounts easier:

    - Increase plot rents from 2021 by 15%
    - Also from 2021, round up rents to the next pound.

Virtual AGM: Appointment of Committee and auditor (email 3 of 4)

Thu, 26 Mar at 20:45


We attach a list of those who have been nominated to serve on the Committee this year.
There are enough places on the Committee for all the nominees.
In addition, Viv Holmes has agreed to serve again as auditor.If you are content for all the Committee nominees to be appointed and for Viv to serve again as auditor, please reply to this effect.
A one word email (“Yes”) would suffice.
If you have any comments, or if you object to any nomination, please let us know.
Please let us have your responses by 31 March.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee


The following have been nominated for places on the Committee. The Committee will serve both the Tugmutton Allotment Association (until its dissolution later this year) and Tugmutton Allotments Limited.

Name                                   Role                                                    Proposer                                      Seconder
Paul Braybrooke           Chairman                                        Diane Bowdery                        Viv Holmes
Andy Bird                          Treasurer                                        George Kidd                               Lin Hall
Sue Rickwood                 Membership Secretary          Liz Migo                                        Hans Migo
Kim Bowdery                  Secretary                                        Paul Braybrooke                      Lauren Matthias
Chris Pile                           Committee Member                Lin Hall                                          Jan Ashby
Pat Lathey                        Committee Member                Roy Archer                                  Laurie Mainwaring
Hannah Roberts           Committee Member                Brendan Sheehan                   Jocelyn Bailey
Brendan Sheehan        Committee Member                Hannah Roberts                     Anya Wilson

Virtual AGM: Reports from Chairman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary (email 2 of 4)

Thu, 26 Mar at 20:42


We attach reports from our Chairman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
The Treasurer’s report is accompanied by the approved financial accounts for 2019 (see earlier email below).

If you are content with these reports, no action is required from you. If you have any comments or questions, please include these in a reply to this email by 31 March. We will then circulate a summary of the comments and answers to the questions if they are sufficiently substantial.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee

Chairman's Report Treasurer's Report Membership Secretary's Report
Virtual AGM: Introduction; last year's minutes (email 1 of 4)

Thu, 26 Mar at 20:35


As previously advised, we want to try to cover as much as possible of the business of our cancelled Annual General Meeting via email. This involves quite a lot of reading for you, but we will try to highlight a few key issues in order to make it easier.

Now, most of our emails to Members receive minimal response, and we’re happy with that: we presume it means you are either entirely happy with the way things are being run or not bothered either way. But we would be really grateful if you could take the time to respond to this series of emails. Some of your responses can be a simple Yes or No.

The items we will cover are:

- Minutes of last year’s meeting (see earlier email below)

- Reports from Committee Chairman, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.

- Appointment of new Committee and auditor.

- Motions. There are two motions. The first, from Anya Wilson, proposes that we take steps to reduce the amount of clutter and rubbish on plots to improve the allotment environment for us all. The second, from the Committee, proposes that plot rents increase by 15% in 2021, and that they are rounded up to the next pound.

Kind regards,
TAA/TAL Committee
AGM Cancellation and Next Steps

Wednesday, 18th March 2020


We hope you are all coping with the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak, and that you are all safe and well.

You won’t be surprised to learn that we have had to postpone the AGM planned for 6 April. Obviously, we are not in a position to suggest a new date. However, we do need to make some decisions more quickly, so we intend to share all the relevant papers with you next week, and then to seek your input and, where relevant, votes. This will all be done by email. When we do hold a physical AGM we will seek further endorsement of the decisions.

With this in mind, we should remind you that you have until 23 March to submit any Motions for consideration and/or nominate anyone for the Committee. Each nomination needs a proposer and seconder.

If you are wondering what we are going to do about work parties, well, we will find a way forward that is fair to all: watch this space. But grass will continue to grow, so please do your bit and mow round your plot (and preferably a few neighbours’ plots) when it needs it.

As the official guidance now stands, your allotment is a good place to be if you are not self-isolating. You can enjoy the open air, be productive, and chat with neighbours at a safe distance. The main surfaces that we all touch are gates and locks and, hopefully, mowers: you might wish to put your gloves on first and/or use hand sanitiser (if you have any) afterwards.

Best wishes,
TAA/TAL Committee

 As previously announced, the Tugmutton Allotment Association’s Annual General Meeting will be held on
Monday 6 April at 7:30pm in the Old Whyte Lion, Locksbottom.

The AGM will include the election of officers and members of the Committee. (Note that this will be the Committee for the Association AND the new company, Tugmutton Allotments Limited. The Association will be wound up during 2020.) Please submit any nominations for the Committee to by 23 March 2020, specifying whether the nomination is for regular Committee members or one of the officer positions (Chair, Secretary, Membership Secretary, and Treasurer). We also seek nominations for Auditor. Each nomination requires a proposer and a seconder.

If members have any motions to submit, they are asked to do so by 23 March 2020. Remember that motions are the way to raise issues at the AGM: it is important that all members, including those unable to attend on the night, are informed in advance about new substantive business being considered. There is no Any Other Business at the AGM.  

The agenda for the AGM will be issued in due course. In advance of that we attach for your review:

    Minutes of the 2019 AGM.
    2019 audited summary of accounts.

We would be grateful if members could bring a small prize to the AGM for our raffle. The raffle helps to subsidise the cost of the light buffet provided and hopefully helps to make the evening entertaining.

TAA Committee
AGM MInutes 2019 Accounts 2019
 The Tugmutton Allotment Association’s Annual General Meeting will be held in
Ye Olde Whyte Lyon in Locksbottom at 7:30pm on Monday 6 April

More details of the AGM will follow in a couple of weeks, but as usual it will include the nomination and election of a new Committee. We would particularly value a couple of new Committee members from the Willow Walk site. Please consider putting yourself forward to help with the smooth running of our allotments. If you are thinking about it, but wish to discuss before committing, please feel free to email the Committee, and one of us will be in touch.

Of the current Committee members who are willing to stay on, almost all are normally available to manage work parties on Saturdays only. For this reason, we have had to move away from the previous practice of holding the monthly work parties alternately on Saturdays and Sundays. When you receive our work party schedule in the next week or so, you will see that we have selected mainly Saturdays, leaving a few weekends where we have yet to select the day: while it would be desirable that we select the Sunday in these cases, this may not be possible. (So new Committee members able to support opening on Sundays would be welcome.) We recognise that there will be some plot holders who cannot attend on Saturdays, and we will endeavour to make arrangements to allow them to contribute to the upkeep of the sites. We will share further thoughts in due course.

TAA Committee
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