The Tugmutton Allotments Limited (TAL) website has been designed for both current plot holders and for those wanting to find out about what an allotment has to offer them.
Do you ever think “I wish I had a bit more garden or maybe any garden where I could grow vegetables, flowers or soft fruit like raspberries”? Then this could be your opportunity to fulfil your wish.
You can rent plots of a size which you feel you can manage and that matches your life style. Even exotic fare can be grown, such as grape vines, ginger or kiwi fruit as well as older favourites like runner beans, peas and potatoes.
A healthy life style - The recommendations are that 20 minutes light aerobic activity every day will lower blood pressure and cholesterol. This is just enough time to maintain a good-sized allotment and also provide plenty of fresh air and a stress free environment.
We sometimes have plots available.
If you are interested in growing your own fruit &/or veg please get in touch via our Contact Us page.